On this wonderful trip I met wonderful people. Actually it is other way around. This trip was so wonderful because of the people I met there.. First 2 or 3 days I traveled with two great guys. We had nice time in Beppu, but these guys had to go to Nagasaki while I had to continue to Aso

Nice train. I bought JR Kyushu pass with which one can ride 5 days on all Kyushu lines, including Shinkansen. I used these pass very well :)

First thing we saw in Beppu, which is famous for its onsens, is a small hand onsen :D In the very first five minutes in Beppu we dipped are hands into the warm water. :)))

We ate dango jiru. They say we shouldn't miss eating this while in Oita prefecture.

Someone was trying to remember how to read hiragana and katakana :)))

I am ashamed to say but I haven't dipped myself into any onsen. Well at least I read some manga. :D

My first manga that I read that was in Japanese.

Good ramen place in Beppu.

Weather in Beppu was nice, a bit rainy but nice.

Oita city

He is such a nice person, feeding the hungry kittens... :)

Out last night together in Beppu.

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